The dawn of analytical approach starts with the data we are dealing and how we are going to do pre-processing to convert raw data into information, especially valuable information for the expected goal to be predicted or prescribed.
We hope everyone watched Batman Vs Superman, similar kind is how we face problems in data science world? Really, yes…
There is always a fight in the initial stage, data is Batman or Superman? To be clear, data is sane or insane?
Knowing the level of data, leads to the pre-processing stage, the approach. Given the conditions and labels to process data of limited set is Batman approach. Next, given the huge data, derive the conditions and labels is Superman approach.
Batman Approach:

Step 1 – You provide the Chiller system with data (c1, c2, c3) and responses F(failure), NF(no failure), NR(not running)
Step 2 – The model learns from the labeled data and the next time you ask it to identify data and responses, it can do it easily.
Superman Approach:

Step 1 – You provide the Chiller system with data (C).
Step 2 – The system will look for patterns in the data. Patterns like different conditions and responses are segregated.
We at Maxbyte Technologies incorporate efficient analytics and data science techniques for industrial OEM products and manufacturing problems. Want to know more about our advanced analytics products and services? click here.