Accelerate industrial automation to empower your production efficiency

Smart Manufacturing Integration with Scalable and Flexible

Solution of Intelligent cobots 

About maxbyte & ABB

maxbyte and ABB are leading a new era of improved manufacturing efficiency with Industry 4.0 cobot solutions. These scalable cobot solutions provide industries with streamlined workflows, enhanced quality control, and automation for specific tasks or entire production lines. By prioritizing workplace safety and ensuring increased productivity with reduced downtime.


Reduce Manual Efforts

Maximize Revenue Growth

Increase Efficiency

Our Offerings

Packaged Robot Solutions

System Integrations

Supply Chain Integration

Robot Simulation

Case study

Torque Checking System for a Leading Aircraft Manufacturer

Torque Checking System for a Leading Aircraft Manufacturer

Manual torque checking for each nut is time-consuming and prone to errors, with no reports captured for inspected nuts, leading to substandard quality and unreliable manual inspections.

The solution lies in an Automated Torque Checking System, eliminating manual inspection efforts and integrating with COBOTs for seamless loading and unloading of nuts. This system captures comprehensive inspection and torque data for each nut, enabling thorough analysis and quality assurance. Automation standardizes processes, improves quality, and reduces manual efforts, enhancing efficiency.

This torque checking system is ideal for MRO and other service industries handling large volumes of fasteners, ensuring the quality of fasteners in critical assemblies.

It is scalable to accommodate different nut sizes and flexible enough to integrate with any enterprise system.

Optimize the repetitive and tedious process of manual torque checking with the help of an automated torque checking machine integrated with COBOT













Set up the system for different nut sizes and parameters


Automatically load inspection programs based on nut size with COBOT integration


Capture reports by part number, torque value, and serviceability for analysis


High speed high payload cobots

Dual Arm Cobots

Swift and Compact Cobots

Contact Us

 For inquiries or more information about our Automated Torque Checking System, please reach out to us by filling out the form.

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