
Industry 4.0 Readiness Assessment is one of the strategic pillars of the Udyami Bharat 4.0 Program, which aims to support technology transformation across Indian Manufacturing Industries.

Objectives of Industry 4.0 Readiness Assessment

Develop assessment framework and tool specific for Indian manufacturing industries  

Conduct free 100 Pilot Assessments in minimum 10 states

Certified Assessor program to certify people in the assessment framework  

Drive the cost-effective assessments through strategic framework so that industries can realize the maximum benefits

About Udyami Bharat 4.0 - Industry 4.0 Readiness Assessment

The National Productivity Council, under Department for Promotion of Industry & Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India has launched the Bharat 4.0 – Industry 4.0 Readiness Check under the Technology Transformation Program, in February 2022. The framework aims to measure Industry 4.0 and sustainability readiness in the manufacturing sector to drive sustainable technology. NPC & maxbyte collaboratively defines Industry 4.0 readiness assessment frame work specifically for Indian Manufacturing.

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Industry 4.0 Readiness Assessment Process

Step 1

 Manufacturer Registration

Step 2

 Allocation of the Assessor

Step 3

One to Three Day onsite Assessment

Step 4

Get the Transformation Report with Recommendations

Our Assessors

Why Maxbyte for Udyami Bharat 4.0 Readiness Assessment?

We have assessors certified on Bharat 4.0 assessment framework
Over 8 years end-to-end experience in Industry 4.0 technology transformation.
250 plus projects executed globally on the Industry 4.0 transformation solution for various manufacturing use cases
Conducted 10 plus I4.0 assessment for Industrial enterprises on Industry 4.0 transformation roadmap using an global framework
Assessed 100 plus Digital Readiness Check Assessment to various manufacturing enterprise customers across the globe
Conducted 200 plus awareness program on Smart Industrial Solution and ITTI assessments for the Manufacturing enterprises across the globe
Experience in 10 major Industry verticals
Strong end to end technology and transformation partner ecosystem
Support to prepare multiyear transformation roadmap
Support in identifying and applying for government grant and incentives for Industry 4.0 transformation

How We Approach?

We adhere to the Bharat 4.0 - Industry 4.0 Readiness Assessment framework of National Productivity Council Communication email will be shared to the manufacturing units across India
Once the email is shared, our assessor will have an introduction call followed by a factory tour and conduct the detailed assessment as per Bharat 4.0 framework
In this assessment report we recommend only relevant technology / process for the identified use case to get higher business values from this transformation process
Detailed assessment report will be shared within five working days from the date of assessment

Get A Free Industry 4.0 Rediness Assessment

Take an important step to enhance your digital capability!
  • Fill the form, So our assessor will get in touch with you to deliver more information about this Assessment
  • Our team would also connect virtually along with the NPC team if required to take you through this assessment process and takeaway
  • We are offering 100 free Udyami Bharat 4.0 – Industry 4.0 Readiness  assessment be the first to apply and get the utmost benefit out of it

Transform Your Manufacturing Process!

Join our Free Industry 4.0 Assessment Program