Additive Manufacturing In Industrial Enterprise
Value Chain


The One-Day Additive Manufacturing Workshop is a condensed and engaging learning experience designed to introduce participants to the world of additive manufacturing (3D printing). In a single day, attendees will gain valuable insights into the principles, techniques, and applications of this transformative technology. The program provides a compact yet a comprehensive overview of this transformative technology, making it an ideal choice for industry professionals and enthusiasts looking to kickstart their journey into the world of 3D printing.


Awareness about the Additive Manufacturing technology

Understanding on the application of Additive Manufacturing in industry 4.0

Networking of Additive Manufacturing professionals

An inspiration & entry point into the world of Additive Manufacturing technology


An Expert in PLM, Design Automation and Industrial IoT. Key focus areas include Industry 4.0 Maturity Transformation, Implementation Methodologies, Knowledge-Based Engineering, Adaption Strategies, Risk Management, Success Management and Talent Capability Building. 

Maxbyte-ManikandanNachimuthu (1)

N.Manikandan, Ph.D

Manager - Innovation Maxbyte Technologies Pvt. ltd.

Ready To Join Our Additive Manufacturing Workshop?

Get the free consultation on Industry 4.0 discovery program by filling this form:

And talk to our experts to know about:

  • What is Additive Manufacturing Workshop ?
  • How it works?
  • How fast you can implement in your industrial enterprise?
  • What are the benefits?
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